by Paula | Advice, Food, Nutrition
Well, its February and Xmas seems a long and distant memory. We still want to lose the weight and have that model like body. Except we didn’t start out with one, so it’s going to take a lot more work to get there!! Gym memberships go up in January but people have...
by Paula | Advice, Food, Nutrition, Self Care, Stress Reduction, Wellbeing
Why is it that when we are stressed, we always look to those sweet dessert-like foods to bring us comfort? Why do we lose our healthy habits when we feel stressed? “Well, they do say stressed spelt backwards, is desserts!” OUR BIOLOGY AFFECTS OUR...
by Paula | Burnout, Mental Health, Overwhelm, Self Care, Stress Reduction, Wellbeing, Working women
I believe that nurses and teachers are uniquely prone to burnout. Isn’t it ironic, that nursing is a caring profession and yet when nurses care too much, they are unable to do the job? It can lead to feelings of frustration, emotional exhaustion and dread of going to...
by Paula | Self Care, Stress Reduction, Wellbeing
Do you ever feel like work is zapping your energy and zest for life? You are not alone, according to a survey carried out by MIND, one in three people stated their work life was stressful. So, what can we do about it, how do we reduce stress at work? “Our...
by Paula | Reflexology, Self Care
Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness, characterised by 18 pressure points of pain all over the body, although it is often seen commonly in the neck, shoulders, upper arm and back. It tends to be more common in women, particularly middle-aged women. Could Reflexology help...