Whenever you eat you are either promoting health, or feeding disease. It’s a scary thought isn’t it?

Do you ever get constant bloating, or brain fog where you just can’t remember the simplest thing? Well, that could all be linked to your gut health. Hippocrates was right, “all illness begins in the gut.”

So how do you support your body? Well, it all begins with feeding those little critters inside you, your gut bacteria. Your gut, in particular your large intestine, is home to a wealth of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses, known as your microbiome. Bacteria also live on your skin, up your nose and in your ears but mostly in your gut where they play a pivotal role in your health.

Did you know there are 10 times more bacteria in your body than human cells?

Why do I have bacteria in my body?

Yes, that’s an interesting one. The bacteria in your gut, called the microbiome, help with digestion and creating neurotransmitters. In fact, 95 % of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the happy hormone, is actually made in the gut by the microbiome.

They also support your  Immune system by creating nutrients that feed the immune cells that line your gut.  80% of your immune system resides just behind the lining of your gut. This lining is about the thickness of  a single human hair. When this layer is intact it stops improperly digested food from entering into the blood stream. If it fails, then inflammation and possibly food allergies are triggered.

As you can see, they have an important role but get the wrong balance of bacteria, the system falls down and chronic illnesses are manifested. According to the World Health Organization, inflammation is the #1 cause of chronic disease and accelerated aging.

what can you eat to support the microbiome?

  1. Your gut bacteria loves, fibre. It ferments the fibre to create short chain fatty acids which feed your immune cells. So, eating lots of greens, in particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower.
  2. Fermented foods like sauerkraut contain the prebiotic foods that the bacteria enjoy.
  3. Wholegrains  also contain fibre that can be fermented and changed into other nutrients.

Why does my stomach bloat when I eat?

This can be due to the wrong ratio of gut bacteria. You could have too many of the negative ones, or you have food sensitivities to certain foods, such as caffeine, dairy, gluten.

How can I reduce the bloating and have more energy?

This can take time to sort on your own. However, with  guidance, you can look and feel so much better.

I offer a 21day Nutrition Kickstart programme that will take all the guess work out for you. It is a proven system that will reduce the inflammatory foods, whilst supporting the gut microbiome, leaving you feeling energised and full of vitality

Do you want to live a happier life full of energy? Do you believe it’s possible? Contact me to find out how I can help you.